In 2008 the “Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni” (“AGCOM”), with the approval of resolution no. 244/08/CSP, launched the Italian project for monitoring the quality of Internet accesses from fixed location.

AGCOM intends to pursue two aims:

  • carry out certified measures, in order to compare the quality of the services offered by each operator, in relation to the best-selling ADSL tariff profiles/plans;
  • to enable the user/consumer to self-evaluate the quality of internet access from fixed location, through a specific free software.

The performance measures of the individual operators' networks, part of the project on the national territory and published in their respective "Carte dei Servizi", are the reference values to compare the internet offers on the market.

The tool for checking the quality of the internet access service from fixed location ( software) is available on the website (art.8, paragraph 5 of AGCOM Resolution 244/08/CSP) The outcomes produced by the software could be compared with the values reported in the latest publication of the "Prestazioni Offerta di Base".

The ”Carta dei Servizi” is available on the dedicated page.

To view the documents click here.

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